
John Doe

In the morning

Getting up

  • Turn off alarm
  • Get out of bed


  • Eat eggs
  • Drink coffee

In the evening


  • Eat spaghetti
  • Drink wine

Going to sleep

  • Get in bed
  • Count sheep


Near-infrared spectra of sixty gasoline samples, consisting of 401 reflectance values measured at equally spaced wavelengths between 900 and 1700 nm

177 wine samples, with thirteen measured variables

 [1] "alcohol"           "malic acid"        "ash"              
 [4] "ash alkalinity"    "magnesium"         "tot. phenols"     
 [7] "flavonoids"        "non-flav. phenols" "proanth"          
[10] "col. int."         "col. hue"          "OD ratio"         
[13] "proline"          
   Barbera     Barolo Grignolino 
        48         58         71 

A pairs plot of the first three variables of the wine data. The three vintages are indicated with different colors and plotting symbols: Barbera wines are indicated with black circles, Barolos with red triangles and Grignolinos with green plusses

The first mass spectrum in the prostate MS data set

Top view of the first sample in data set lcms. The TIC chromatogram is shown on the top, and the direct infusion mass spectrum on the right